Sunday, January 22, 2012

Obesity Is Truly An Epidemic In America! People Are Not Getting Overweight Overnight, So, They Are Not Going To Lose Weight, Overnight Either.

Wanting to get into shape, and take care of our body, has to come from within! It's a lifestyle, but it doesn't mean that you only eat carrots and celery! It's not how much you eat, it's about what you eat. Good habits can be learned just as easily as bad ones. How about eating Nutritionally, instead of Non-Nutritionally. There are a lot of foods that are good, that are good for you. Once you stop eating deep fried foods, and stay away from them for a couple months, you will be very surprised as how crappy you will feel. It's as if you can actually feel the grease rubbing on your insides, and will make your stomach upset. As for an exercise program, depending on how overweight a person is, will depend when to begin strength training. If extremely overweight, it's best to mainly do cardio exercise, while eating healthy, and losing substantial weight first, then, once the weight decreases begin strength training. I, myself, have been working out regularly for 29 years! I stopped for 1 month, and felt so crappy, that I never stopped again. Once you begin your exercise regiman for that day, the enrdorphines kick in, and you start to feel a kind of a natural high. That's what I look forward to. It may not always be easy to get to your workout place, but once you finish for that day, you are very glad  you made it!

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